Together In Solitude

A Look Back at 2018 – Part 2


“Each moment of the year has its own beauty – it beholds, every hour, a picture which was never seen before, and which shall never be seen again.”

R.W. Emerson

Welcome back!  This post is a continuation of our 2018 year recap.  If you haven’t read part one of this post (January-June), you can find it here.

July – Our vehicle in Anchorage was stolen šŸ˜§ but recovered shortly thereafter and all is fine now. I started a very fun part-time summer job of packing and delivering fresh local produce to CSA members for a small business called Arctic Harvest Deliveries in Anchorage. The produce was so beautiful and tasty. That midnight sun grows some hearty crops! (If you live in or near Anchorage, AK and want to learn more you can go here.) I really enjoyed the work and meeting great people including the local farmers.

Jason returned to Idaho to check on our house and do a bit of landscaping and maintenance. Meanwhile, Griff and I kept things “running” in Anchorage… in more ways than one. He was finally old enough to trail run with me without stopping to smell things every 5 seconds!).Ā šŸ¤Ŗ

August – Jason and I had the opportunity to do some fun research and business networking with the goal of offering diverse adventure packages to our guests. The research included some glacier hiking, sea kayaking, a helicopter tour, train ride, and dog-sledding! Best business trips ever! At the end of the month we wrapped up the lodge season for the year.

September – We returned from Alaska and Jason spent a couple weeks elk hunting with his friend Matt. I returned to Head Start for the school year. Griff turned 1! We also did some beautiful fall hikes and even found some late-harvest huckleberries!

October – It was a beautiful fall in Coeur d’Alene, perfect for lots of nice hikes and outdoor activities… some with new friends! Jason and I also cancelled our gym membership and started a great home-exercise DVD program – P90X3 – which we are loving. More to come on this in a later post. My parents also came for a visit and we did some elk scouting. It was a fun month! Fall is my favorite time of the year.

November – A few weeks were spent in the Midwest with family and friends for Thanksgiving and connecting as well as helping our grandparents transition into new homes. We also got to spend some good time with Jason’s dad at the family hunting shack. We are so blessed to have the opportunity to spend time with our loved ones.

Griff spent some quality time with Wendy and Ken and he has obviously been dreaming of them and their hikes ever since! šŸ’–

December –Ā Ā WhenĀ DecemberĀ rolledĀ aroundĀ I started to feel like there was more time to be creative. Woodworking has been on my mind for awhile and now that we are thinning out some trees on our property for forest management, I have beautiful free wood at my fingertips!!Ā šŸ’— So, I decided it would be fun and resourceful to make some log furniture. I started prepping logs to make a headboard and footboard for my first project.Ā šŸ˜Š I hope to share more about that soon. Iā€™m also trying my hand at writing words with our router in hopes to make wood signs in the future. I recently listened to the audio book “Handcrafted” by Clint Harp, the furniture builder for HGTV’s show Fixer Upper. Great book – I highly recommend it!

My most recent project (that I’ve completed) has been re-finishing our dining room table. I like how it turned out.

Since December Jason has been in the process of building a log cabin office. We got a simple chainsaw sawmill as an essential tool to help with this and other future projects.

At the end of the month we caught sight of the annual eagle migration with friends and went to an amazing candlelight Christmas service which fueled my heart and mind for the upcoming year! šŸ•Æļø šŸ˜

Now that we are into the new year we are eager to share our current goings-on with you and hear what you’ve been up to as well! šŸ˜ƒ What was your favorite highlight of 2018 and what are you most looking forward to in 2019?

“It’s a brand new world,

I got a brand new heart

And everyday I get a brand new start.”

The Revivalists
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6 thoughts on “A Look Back at 2018 – Part 2

  1. Great to read! I learned a lot I didn’t know before, like the dog sledding, log office & wood projects! Excited to chat more next month!

  2. We had a blast eagling with you and Jason! The pics you took and our group shots turned out great. We’ll have to go again together next year.

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