Holiday-Flavored After Dinner Ginger Bites
These sweet, spicy, chewy and crunchy ginger bites have all the holiday-flavored joy of a spicy molasses cookie but are way healthier! 
2makes 4 (1-inch) balls
2makes 4 (1-inch) balls
  1. These are really easy to make!  Mix all ingredients together and then taste a bit for flavor. Add more spices if desired. Form mixture into 4 (1-inch) balls.  I found that rolling the balls helps if I spray my hands with a bit of cooking spray first.  This keeps the dough from sticking to your hands.  Flouring your hands should also work nicely if you don’t have cooking spray.  If balls are not forming and mixture is too dry, gradually add additional honey or molasses until balls form.  Conversely, if mixture is too wet, gradually add additional flour until balls form.  Once balls are formed, enjoy right away or you can refrigerate for an hour or two if you want them a little firmer.  These are great to keep in your fridge for a week or more for a convenient, nutritious and quick snack or after-dinner treat!  Try them from the freezer too!
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